Following an extensive and impressive application process with WBA members, we are proud to announce our confirmed list of Business Advisors for delivery of the much-anticipated Business Advisory Program!
Introducing WBA Business Advisors
The nine different streams – covering topics such as social media, financial basics, customer journey, website, and more – will take place from July to November 2023 at Enterprise House, Wanneroo, and are heavily subsidised for members to attend.
Each stream includes a series of three business workshops, through which attendees will move together. The program aims to connect business owners with other business owners facing similar challenges so they can learn from and assist each other. Workshops will be highly interactive and will include an aspect of working on their businesses together.
The WBA Business Advisory Program addresses the strong interest shown by WBA members, following extensive engagement in 2022. Research showed that there was a need for small group mentoring sessions held as topic-based informal meet ups. WBA is proud to invest in its members.
Program Outline
Stream 1 – Lead Generation
Facilitated by Sarah Thomson from Online Social Butterfly
Sarah Thomson is a digital coach, educator and marketing specialist who believes strongly in helping businesses ditch that overwhelm and find the confidence and courage to show up and get results. In this series of three workshops, Sarah will help you create a lead magnet that your dream audience cannot wait to get their hands on. Learn how to create a high-converting landing page, build a successful email funnel sequence, and set up organic and paid strategies to encourage sign ups.
Bookings now open at
Stream 2 – Google & SEO
Facilitated by Karen Dauncey from Blue Cherry Online Marketing
Karen Dauncey has been working in the SEO and Google Ads industry for over 20 years. She describes herself as a coffee-drinking SEO whizz who believes in fluff-free advice. She’s also determined to conquer the Google algorithm! Sign up to this series of three workshops and learn the fundamentals of SEO and why Google should choose your website, understand what to do with keywords, and discover the benefits of link building and content marketing. Bring your laptop and work on your very own website throughout the sessions.
Bookings closed
Stream 3 – Customer Journey
Facilitated by Carmen Allan-Petale from Red Platypus
For the past nine years, Carmen Allan-Petale has been working with small business owners, setting them up for success by carefully crafting copy that generates leads. She is passionate about bringing brands to life through storytelling and content strategy, and in this series of three workshops, you will learn how to take your customer on a journey from touchpoint to purchase that aligns with your business brand. You will also discover your business voice, business story, and perfect elevator pitch.
Bookings closed
Stream 4 – Business Growth
Facilitated by Prof. Pi-Shen Seet, Dr. Jalleh Sharafizad, Dr. Helen Cripps from ECU Executive Education
The Business Growth sessions by ECU Executive Education will focus on helping businesses in the WBA catchment area acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve significantly higher growth. Participants will learn how to deal with uncertainty, how to manage innovation, and how to improve their business through an understanding and application of best practice in self-analysis as well as external analysis of aspects relevant to their business. This will be achieved by focus on rapidly testing their ideas and capabilities using the latest digital entrepreneurship and innovation platforms.
Bookings closed
Stream 5 – Positive Mindset
Facilitated by Nigel Tye from Growth Evolution Coaching
Nigel Tye is a Master Practitioner Life Coach and NLP Practitioner who helps clients with coping techniques, positive mindset, resilience, and improving mental health. In this series of three workshops, understand the impact of stress and anxiety on small business owners, learn how to spot the issues, set NLP and SMART goals in your personal and business life, and discover how to create an authentic leadership style to build trust and grow a positive business culture.
Stream 6 – Financial Basics
Facilitated by Steven Windsor from Pascoe Partners Wanneroo
Steven Windsor is a business advisor with over 20 years’ experience in managing businesses. He is passionate about helping business owners grow a thriving and successful business that will ensure their business and personal goals become reality and not just dreams on a piece of paper. In this series of three sessions, improve your financial literacy, including business structure review, discover tools to assist you in budgeting and forecasting, and learn how to build an effective business plan.
Stream 7 – Social Media
Facilitated by Kasia McNaught from McNaught Media
Kasia McNaught runs a successful boutique marketing agency and has over 16 years of online and offline marketing experience. She is a skilled social media trainer and is passionate about helping business grow through organic marketing as well as paid advertising. In this series of three sessions, learn how to optimise your personal profile to stand out from the crowd, discover how to create a successful company brand across LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and also, best practices for stories, reels, and advertising. Various hands-on exercises will be carried out throughout the sessions to personalise the content to your business.
Stream 8 – Websites
Facilitated by Melissa Ahlquist from Little Biz
The website stream is run by Melissa Ahlquist and aims to help small business owners learn how to plan, design, and optimise a successful website for their business. In this series of three sessions, gain a comprehensive understanding of the key components of successful website marketing and leave with the confidence and tools you need to effectively communicate your brand, reach your ideal customer, and ultimately drive business growth. Melissa comes to the program with over 10 years of experience in facilitating small group training and specialises in creating a clear and compelling marketing message for small businesses and start-ups as well as website design and optimisation.
Stream 9 – Business Ready for Sale
Facilitated by John Denton from Business Ready for Sale
John Denton loves helping business owners regain their passion for business whilst having a goal of turning their business into a valuable and saleable asset. Every business owner exits their business at some point and should be able to do so and get the best possible price, quickly and easily.
After a successful career in sales and as a state manager in the Information Technology corporate world, John started a leadership and management training business which became an RTO. After selling that business John operated for over 12 years as a business broker, selling a variety of SME businesses.
In this series of three workshops including activities, you will understand how businesses are valued and how to increase the value. Understand your key financials, set up systems and processes for automation and create your business operations manual. Also, learn strategies to increase your net profit with effective marketing and sales. By the end of the sessions, you will be able to assess the value of your business and have a plan to grow, increasing the value and saleability.
Bookings & Information
Bookings for each stream will be available on our website at least 3 weeks prior to commencement.
The cost per stream (total of 3 x sessions) is $99 for members (50% discount) and $198 for non-members.
For further information, please contact Elle or Amy on 08 9206 3888 or email
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