Message from WBA President, Steven Windsor
Dear Members,
I’m sure you will agree, this year is flying past! I hope the new financial year has already brought you all some great opportunities.
News and Upcoming Events
Here at the WBA, we’ve been busy! We recently launched our much-anticipated Business Advisory Program and participants have already been enjoying the hands-on nature of these small working group sessions and taking this great opportunity to tap into personalised advice and guidance whilst working on improving their business.
We are now looking forward to our upcoming AI & Technology Business Breakfast to be held on Tuesday 5 September at Wanneroo Golf Club. Once again, our guests will have an amazing opportunity to secure a tabletop display at this popular event. Please contact Amy or Elle for further information.
We are also getting ready to open entries for our annual City of Wanneroo Business Awards at the end of August! We are excited to be moving venues this year to Peter Moyes Anglican Community School. Please save the date, Friday 3 November, and we encourage you to start thinking about what amazing local businesses you think should enter an award!
Membership Fee Increase (effective 1 October 2023)
Something for your diaries. Due to rising overhead costs and in line with our mission to support and enrich local business, Wanneroo Business Association will be increasing our membership fees from $30 per month to $35 per month (inc. GST) effective 1 October 2023. The annual membership fee will increase from $360 to $385 (inc. GST). However, by swapping over to an annual payment, members will receive one month of membership free of charge.
We thank you for your understanding and support in helping us grow alongside you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments.
New Committee of Management
Finally, at our Annual General Meeting, members voted for our new Committee of Management including new Treasurer, Shaun Lawson from Wenn Law. We are extremely proud to welcome our new board members, who will take us into the new financial year – and beyond – with an impressive range of knowledge, skills and experience.
In the words of new board member George Kourtesis from Applied Security Force, the new board is looking forward to “creating value and making a positive difference for our community as we all enjoy this journey ahead.” I couldn’t have said it better myself 😊
If you have any questions or would like to reach out to discuss further, please contact or 08 9206 3888. We hope to see you at an event very soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Steven A. Windsor
Steven Windsor
President of Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) Board of Management
The Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) was delighted to host an unforgettable evening at the 2024 City of Wanneroo Business Awards on Friday 1 November at Peter Moyes An...