Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) welcomes nominations for our Committee for the 2019 – 2021 term.
As the two year term for four of our current Committee Members comes to an end, the new Committee will be decided at the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM), set to take place on 17 July. The position of Vice President will also be opened up as we are sad to accept the resignation of Peter Armstrong, who is moving on to pursue his business with a heavy heart. We would like to thank all our serving Committee members for their dedication and hard work.
If you want to be part of a dynamic and progressive organisation, be involved in shaping the future of the Wanneroo Business Association, support the local business community and add to your own personal development, then you should consider nominating for a position.
If more nominations are received than available positions, then a ballot vote will take place at the AGM, where our members will decide who takes the positions.
If you are interested, have any questions or would like more information, please contact the office on 9206 3888. You can download the nomination form below.
All nominations must include a signed form of eligibility, be counter signed by another member and you must work for, or own, a businesses that is a member of the WBA to qualify for nomination. Terms for the WBA Committee are for 2 years.
Submit interest to admin@wanneroobusiness.com no later than our June Breakfast, June 18 2019.
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