Wanneroo Business Association’s EOFY Business Party and 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 15 July in the Banksia Room, City of Wanneroo Civic Centre, tickets are available here. 


Committee of Management Election

Nominations to join the Committee of Management are now closed.  A total of seven nominations (full list below) were received for five available positions, meaning an election to fill the positions will be held at the AGM.  As per the WBA’s Rules, Office Holders must, where possible, be nominated from existing Committee of Management Members, to be decided by the Committee.  Therefore, the Committee of Management have formally voted for the following people to fill the Office Holder roles:

  • Vice President – Kasia Mieczkowski – If successful on being re-elected to the Committee of Management at the AGM by members, the Committee have decided that Kasia Mieczkowski will retain the role of Vice President.
  • Treasurer – Mike Pilkington – If successful on being re-elected to the Committee of Management at the AGM by members, the Committee have decided that Mike Pilkington will retain the role of Treasurer. 
  • If Kasia or Mike are unsuccessful on being re-elected, then the relevant Officer Bearer roles will remain vacant, to be decided at the first Committee of Management meeting.
  • Secretary – Andy Kahle – Andy is currently mid-term so will step in to the role of Secretary after our 2021 AGM.

The Wanneroo Business Association Committee would like to formally thank all serving Committee of Management Members, including our outgoing Secretary, Phil Oxenburgh, who will be stepping down at the end of his term, after four years on the WBA Committee of Management.

Committee of Management Nominations

An online  ‘Meet The Board Nominees’ Pitching & Q&A Session was held on 25 June, to learn more about the people nominating for the Committee of Management before casting your vote at the AGM.  You can watch the above recording to get an insight and catch up on the session.

In alphabetical order via surname, the following nominations have been received for the Committee of Management which will be decided by election at the AGM:

AGM Documents

Click on the links below to download the relevant AGM documents:



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