Business Association Member Case Study – Business Station

Meet Rebecca Turnor, Allied Health Precinct Manager for Business Station.  As a Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) Business in the Spotlight, read on to get to know her, as she shares more about Business Station and her experience with the WBA.

business association

Tell us more about Business Station

Business Station is a non-profit provider of enterprise development services to businesses across Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory. We aim to build growth and capacity in small businesses by providing affordable and easily accessible training and business support. Through a number of programs, we run regular group workshops, interactive webinars and face-to-face consultations.

Our support to business owners extends through our incubators, which are home to over 100 businesses. Membership also includes business health checks, business coaching and access to co-working and meeting spaces.

Summarise the Wanneroo Business Association in 3 words

Supportive. Resourceful. Connected.

What is your biggest challenge?

The lack of awareness of Business Station and our programs within the business community.

What is your biggest win with the Wanneroo Business Association?

Two tenants have signed a lease as a direct result of the events hosted in partnership with WBA, as part of our Business in the Spotlight package.  Another tenant also signed up as a referral from the Wanneroo Business Association staff.

What is your favourite thing about the Wanneroo Business Association?

It’s members and management.

Why did you opt to be one of our Business in the Spotlight members?

When we opened a new facility in Wanneroo, we wanted to invite as many small business owners to visit the space as possible. Hosting events with the Wanneroo Business Association was a natural choice for promoting the space to a relevant and engaged audience.

130 people attended events included in your Business in the Spotlight campaign, why was event exposure so important to you and your business?

As a new facility in an existing building, most people knew of the location but had no idea we were open or the types of services we can offer from our Wanneroo location. We wanted to show people the space and encourage our local business community to interact with our space.

What was your favourite part of the Business in the Spotlight campaign?

The VIP Opening Event. The event was well attended (despite COVID19) and the atmosphere was friendly and fun. Fellow Wanneroo Business Association members, and members of the community came along to meet and greet their peers and help us celebrate our new space.

Please share the name of any members you have done business with, or have built a business connection or relationship with:
  • Willis Natural Medicine Centre – new licensee

  • OCD Brilliance– new licensee

  • Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers / Pascoe Partners– new licensee

  • Performance Tuning – Hired space

  • Moonlight Health and Wellbeing – casually leasing an office on an ongoing basis

Would you recommend the Business in the Spotlight package?

Absolutely! Working with Lauren and the Wanneroo Business Association to create a package custom to our business needs was a fantastic opportunity for a newly developed facility. We were able to attract over 130 people to the space to view the facility and learn about our services available.  Not only has this helped us with direct sales, there is also now a level of brand awareness and ongoing referrals from other WBA members.

Read more articles related to the Allied Health Precinct:

Allied Health Precinct – Powered by Edith Cowan University and Business Station, click here

Business Pitching Sunriser at Allied Health Precinct – Event Review – Click here

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