Wanneroo Business Association Member Case Study – Business Growth

Meet Kevin Miller, owner of Business Growth.  As a new member of the Wanneroo Business Association (WBA), read on on to get to know him, as he shares more about his business and experience with the WBA so far.

business growth

Tell us more about Business Growth

Business Growth was formed in August 2020 after the sale of my previous company. The business was created with the sole purpose of helping small business owners succeed and grow their business. After many years of running a successful multi million dollar business, my passion is now to share my experience and knowledge with others to help them grow. I love growing a business or business idea.  My ideal client is a small business owner looking to grow their existing business or new business idea.

Summarise the Wanneroo Business Association in 3 words

Professional, Growing, Personal

Why did you join the WBA

I saw the WBA as an opportunity to provide a platform to share my business experience with others in my local area.  They provide value in terms of connections, learning and an ‘ear to the ground’ of the local business landscape.

Please name any members you have done direct business with

Ben Tippett of Perth Digital Edge, Pat Bell of Pat Bell Websites, Simon Pose Garcia of Global Event Concepts, Maggie Catley of Madcat Photography, plus a few others from some of the workshops I have attended.

What is your Biggest Business Challenge?

To determine a means of providing my services and value to a larger audience at scale and offer the most help

What is your Biggest Business Win?

The fantastic people I have met, and the stories that they have shared with me in the past few months. With the stories comes learning and growth for me personally. This is priceless.

Please share your first experience of the WBA

An introduction meeting with Lauren Bell which led to further connections and the resulting business and fantastic opportunity. Thanks Lauren, I am extremely grateful.

What is your favourite WBA event format and why?

Breakfast events are best for me given the time of day and coffee! The business hot seat with Dale Alcock was excellent and is a concept worth growing in future. This is valuable for SME’S to listen and learn from successful people.

business growth

Please share your favourite WBA memory/funny moment

Turning up to a speed networking event with no business cards! This was my first event and I had not received my business cards in time. I thought it was worth going along for the conversation regardless. It got a few smiles and maybe it was a lasting impression. You get no second chances at a first impression, but I am sure the attendees remember.

Additional comments/thoughts

I would love for WBA members to share in my learning via my podcast – The Business Growth Podcast with Kevin Miller – available on all the mainstream podcast platforms.

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