Celebrate the end of the Financial Year and register to attend Wanneroo Business Association's EOFY Business Party & Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Take time out to celebrate, network with local businesses and be part of Wanneroo Business Association’s AGM proceedings for 2022. Experience the hospitality of Cherry's Catering in the Banksia Room at the City of Wanneroo (main entrance on Dundebar Rd), and enjoy an evening of canapes, alcoholic/soft drinks and networking.
Tickets are heavily subsidised by Wanneroo Business Association and are available to members for $27 each, who are all encouraged to attend. Non-member ticket price is $37. Bookings are essential using the form below please.
This event is Wanneroo Business Association's Annual General Meeting. Hear the reports from our President and Treasurer on the Association's performance over the 2021/2022 financial year and vote to elect the 2022/2023 Committee of Management, with ten nominations received for six available positions. Click here to see the full AGM Notice which includes the full list of Board Nominees, the AGM agenda and other related documents.
Nominations are now closed to join the WBA Committee. An online ‘Meet The Board Nominees’ Pitching & Q&A Session was held on 23 June, for members to learn more about the people nominating for the Committee of Management before casting vote at the AGM, click here to watch a recording of the session
Photographs and videography may be taken at this event and used for marketing purposes.
The Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) was delighted to host an unforgettable evening at the 2024 City of Wanneroo Business Awards on Friday 1 November at Peter Moyes An...