With stories and announcements from the WBA, our members and stakeholders, this page contains business updates and legislation changes.
Business News - 121 Results
WA Leaders North Metro City of Wanneroo Scholarship WA Leaders North Metro assists companies located in the North Metro region, to achieve sustainable growth, manage succession planning and evaluate entry and exit strategies for their business. Using this experience and its networks, WA Leaders operates a range of initiatives designed to benefit companies at […]
DOWNLOAD – COVID-19 Business Resources Pack Restriction Information & Business Resources for the COVID-19 Outbreak WA Plans to Move into Phase 3 – 06 June 2020 As announced by WA Premier Mark McGowan, WA will move into Phase 3 of easing restrictions on 6 June 2020. This will see an increase in the […]
A Message from Mayor Roberts – COVID-19 Outbreak COVID-19 is having an impact across all aspects of our community, but please be assured that the City is working to support our residents, ratepayers and local businesses through this global crisis. Our focus is, as always, on a vibrant, progressive and prosperous City of Wanneroo, and […]
COVID-19 Federal And State Stimulus Package Breakdowns Brought to you by the team at Asset Financial Accounting. In the light of the Federal & State Government stimulus packages, here is a brief summary of what the measures are. Please note the information provided here, is sourced from various Government agencies & will have different effects […]
Butler Business Benefits from Wanneroo Business Association Membership Meet Tammy Brown, owner of Butler business TLB Admin Support, and active Wanneroo Business Association member. We asked Tammy some questions so you can get to know her a little more! ‘I’ve been a member of WBA for a few years now and have made some great […]
WBA Updates Terms and Conditions Please note that we have updated our Terms and Conditions with immediate affect. Our terms and conditions have been updated to align with organisational growth and office/technology developments. If you have any questions regarding our new terms and conditions document please don’t hesitate to give the team a call on […]
Become a WBA member before 6 January 2020 and you'll be in with the chance to win a free ad valued at $265 in the first 2020 edition of The Northern Guide, Wanneroo edition.
Back for their 17th year and organised by Wanneroo Business Association (WBA), the City of Wanneroo Business Awards 2019 saw 180 people gather to celebrate and acknowledge business achievements from across the region.
Please note the documents for the Tender will only be available from the eTender portal from the date of advertisement.
Please find attached a copy of the Tender advertisement placed in Saturday’s West Australian of 3 August 2019.
We are excited to share that the 400 member milestone has been hit, and we are pleased to officially announce Rosie's Sweets, as Wanneroo Business Association's 400th member.
Wanneroo Business Association's (WBA) Annual General Meeting was held on 17 July 2019 at Wanneroo Golf Club with 48 people in attendance including Mark Folkard MLA, Member for Burns Beach, City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts JP, Deputy Mayor Nat Sangalli and City of Wanneroo Cr Dot Newton JP and Cr Paul Miles.
Wanneroo Business Association is thrilled to announce the finalists in the 2024 City of Wanneroo Business Awards! An independent panel of judges have shortlist...