Over the past 22 years the Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) has evolved into what some say is the most progressive business association north of the river. Operating under rules set under the Associations Incorporated Act 2015, the WBA has an elected governance committee whose role is to regularly review the organisation’s rules and procedures to ensure they remain relevant.
The governance committee proposed the following rule changes which were agreed to by the committee of management and will be presented to members at a special general meeting on 22 February 2022 for acceptance. To register to attend this event please click here.
Proposed Amendment to 1.3
50% of committee of management members constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a committee of management meeting.
This amendment allows the quorum required for committee of management meetings to scale up or down, resulting in the organisation being able to function efficiently when committee of management member numbers fluctuate. Currently, the rules state that 5 committee of management members constitute a quorum for conduct of business at a committee of management meeting.
Proposed Amendment to 11.3(f)
11.3 (f) The President may hold a role as a non-executive voting committee of management member after the expiry of one term of office.
This amendment allows the WBA to retain the skills and experience of the outgoing President by allowing them to renominate for an ordinary committee of management role only, after serving one term as President. This is dependent on them being re-elected by members to the committee of management at an annual general meeting. Currently, the rules state that the President may not hold a role as a voting Committee of Management Member for 2 years after the expiry of their term of office.
You can download the current rules here, and the new Rules with the suggested amendments here.
UPDATE 23.02.2022
The above amendments were put to members and passed as a unanimous special resolution at the Wanneroo Business Association Breakfast on 22.02.2022. Click here for the mintues, the new rules have been submitted to the Commissioner for final approval before they are formally adopted.
Member questions or queries should be emailed to lauren@wba.asn.au
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