Business Networking Perth – Wanneroo Business Association Hits the Road

business networking perth  

Business networking doesn’t need to be predictable, this week Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) and the City of Wanneroo mixed things up a little to host their Networking on the Go event in Perth.

More than 40 businesses joined the WBA on board a West Coast Bus Charters coach to explore the local area, visit historical sites and local businesses, with plenty of networking along the way.

Take a look at where the networking event took us:

Wanneroo Golf Club 

To kick off this business networking event, business owners started the event by networking over lunch at Wanneroo Golf Club, before loading the bus to head to the first destination.

business networking perth

Mary Lindsay Homestead, Yanchep

A visit to the Mary Lindsay Homestead site in Yanchep to meet Sooz Dalgleish, a City of Wanneroo History Librarian, saw business owners explore the new community arts and culture hub, and find out more about the history of this homestead site.

business networking perth

Avowest, Carabooda

After plenty of business networking on the coach, business owners heard from Alan Blight at Avowest, to get an insight into farming avocados, a popular stop of the day which included finding fallen fruit on beneath the trees!

business networking perth
Yanchep Lavender

Our final stop of the day resulted in plenty of purchases as businesses owners explored the shop and tasted a variety of flavours of lavender ice cream at Yanchep Lavender, situated 50 minutes North of Perth.  We then headed back to Wanneroo Golf Club for more business networking! 


There are a variety of business events for you to access, at different times of the day and week, and with different structures.  Click here to register for your next event.

Our Networking on the Go events are an annual and popular event.  Offering unlimited business networking and behind the scenes access to local businesses, it’s one not to miss out on.

Most WBA business networking events are free for members, guests can redeem one free attendance by calling us on 9206 3888, attendance for non-members following the first free event will be invoiced or charged accordingly through the website booking page.

For networking tips and advice, click here and to learn more about business networking conduct, click here



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