Wanneroo Business Association’s Annual General Meeting took place on Thurs 15 July 2021, in the Banksia Room at the City of Wanneroo with over 80 people in attendance. State Government and City of Wanneroo representatives, as well as members, were present to hear the latest report on the organisation’s performance. Attendees were treated to a catering package with Cherry’s Catering and networked in to the evening.
President Nigel Santa Maria shared the organisation’s new Strategic Plan document, confirmed membership numbers which as of 15 July stood at 451 and also advised that the City of Wanneroo Business Awards have been confirmed to return in November 2021. Treasurer Mike Pilkington provided an update on the financial year end, and presented a motion to appoint the auditor. A vote of thanks was also tabled for outgoing Secretary Phil Oxenburgh to honor his time served on the Committee of Management.
President Nigel Santa Maria and City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts JP formally signed the 3 year sponsorship agreement, strengthening the relationship between the two organisations.
Following a ballot vote election, and 7 nominations for 5 positions, the 2021/2022 Wanneroo Business Association Committee of Management was announced as follows:
President: Nigel Santa Maria, NAB (position unchanged)
Vice President: Kasia Mieczkowski, Eye for Recruitment (re-elected)
Treasurer: Mike Pilkington, Asset Financial Services (re-elected)
Secretary: Andy Kahle, Therapy on Wheels (voted in to Secretary role by Committee of Management)
Committee of Management Members:
Dr Jalleh Sharafizad, Edith Cowan University School of Business and Law (position unchanged)
Kati McKeon, Hot Lizard Design (position unchanged)
Steven Windsor, Pascoe Partners Accountants (position unchanged)
Heather Cole, The Northern Guide (re-elected)
Paul Fox, Fox Mortgage Services (newly elected)
Rebecca Turnor, Business Station (newly elected)
Click here to find out more about the members of the Committee of Management.
Download and review the 2021 AGM Minutes, the full original AGM notice can be found here.
Richard Jillings, Revive Printers – “Excellent evening at the Council offices, thank you Cherry’s Catering for the food and thanks to the staff.”
City of Wanneroo Cr Dot Newton JP – “Congratulations to the board as elected by your peers, a dynamic group of people who will continue to mentor and support businesses within our great city. Thank you Lauren & Kelly for keeping us in the loop. Cr. Dot Newton JP”
Wanneroo Business Association supports, connects and promotes businesses. Visit our Benefits Page for more information or call 08 9206 3888.
The Wanneroo Business Association (WBA) was delighted to host an unforgettable evening at the 2024 City of Wanneroo Business Awards on Friday 1 November at Peter Moyes An...